Doing good deeds is something that shouldn’t come with a negative price for anyone involved. Sadly, that isn’t always the way things play out. A group of teens was on their way to a mission trip to help others when the bus they were in had what is believed to be a mechanical error. The bus barreled through a stop light in Tennessee and rammed into two other vehicles.
The 54-year-old female driver of one of those vehicles was killed. Two teens and five others were taken to the hospital with injuries that weren’t thought to be life-threatening. Investigators in the accident are blaming a mechanical issue that appears to have caused the bus to be unable to stop.
If a mechanical problem was the cause of this car crash, the manufacturer might be liable. If not, the driver of the bus is likely liable. In either case, one woman lost her life and seven others were injured in this accident.
Getting into a motor vehicle accident when a bus is involved is horrible. These accidents can often cause very nasty injuries that might have a lasting effect on the victim’s quality of life. The emotional toll and physical toll can be devastating. Both of those factors can often be made worse by the financial devastation of the medical bills and other costs of the accident.
Anyone who gets into an accident with a bus might opt to try to obtain compensation from the party or parties who are responsible for the accident. The stress of these decisions might be minimized by learning about the process.
Source: Fox 59, “Indiana teens aboard church bus involved in deadly crash in Tennessee” Tim O’Brien, Jul. 17, 2014