Paying attention to what is going on around you when you drive is vital to ensure that you and those around you remain safe. Taking your eyes off the road or becoming distracted for even one second can lead to a catastrophe. A recent Tennessee accident shows how one...
Month: May 2014
Police officer killed by motor home in Tennessee
A police officer in Tennessee was responding to a car accident when he lost his life. He had parked his patrol car on the roadway and had begun directing traffic, having responded to a call about a pickup truck that, while driving on the ramp, had rolled over. Another...
Truck accident in Tennessee injures trooper and tow truck driver
Paying attention to what is going on around you is a very important part of driving. If you don't watch what you are doing, you can cause a serious accident that can hurt other people who are on the roadway. A recent truck accident in Tennessee shows how important it...
Distracted driving car accidents causes around 9 deaths daily
Anyone who is driving must give their full attention to what is going on around them. Becoming distracted by anything else, such as cellphones, the radio, children or primping, can lead to an accident. Each day more than nine people die because of car accidents caused...