Tennessee is a state that is rich in having a large number of rivers, lakes and waterways. Boating accidents in the state are consequently a regular occurrence. When a boating accident occurs due to the negligent operation of the boat or another boat involved in a...
Godwin, Morris, Laurenzi & Bloomfield, P.C.
Bill tries to stop personal injury caused by bus drivers
Tennessee law prohibits bus drivers from using a mobile phone while the bus is in motion and while transporting children unless there is an emergency need to use the phone. The current law is a Class C misdemeanor with a $50 fine. That was criticized as totally...
Car crash sends 2 women to the hospital after car crosses median
The task of driving defensively is underplayed in Tennessee and throughout the country; however, significant numbers of lives might be saved each year if a bit more promotion would be devoted to that safety subject. It is crucial for a driver to anticipate bad things...
1 woman dies after fatal rear-end car crash on I-24
A rear-end collision is generally caused by the negligence of the driver who hits the other vehicle in the rear. The rules of the road in Tennessee and other states, whose violation usually indicates negligence, require that a driver be on the lookout for slowing and...
In the “Uber Union Busting” Department, Labor Board Stymied in Investigation, Goes to Court to Enforce Subpoena On Uber Hiring
Uber Accused Of Impeding NLRB Probe Into Labor PracticesIn the "Uber Union Busting" Department, Labor Board Stymied in Investigation, Goes to Court to Enforce Subpoena On Uber HiringBY COLE STANGLER @COLESTANGLER ON 03/04/16 AT 4:57...
Widow in Tennessee says car crash should prompt road upgrades
Suffering the unexpected deaths of family members can cause long-lasting grief and devastation. A recent Tennessee car crash occurred on a section of road that some people consider dangerous. A woman whose husband and son were involved says it is time for officials to...
Driver, 2 passengers dead in crossover car crash on I-65
Crossover accidents are often the most gruesome to investigate, both in Tennessee and nationwide. When motor vehicles cross over the median and go into oncoming traffic on a busy interstate, horrific crashes are often the outcome. That can be said for the Feb. 23...
Negligent driving causes fatal crash of car and tractor trailer
Under Tennessee law, when the driver of a vehicle negligently causes a traffic accident, he or she cannot collect third party tort damages from other operators who were without fault. The driver's negligent driving, however, does not preclude the passengers in that...
Boating accidents: Man surrenders over Eagle Creek June accident
While the rivers in Tennessee are sources of fun and water sports, they have also been the scenes of many accidents. Boating accidents have led to life-changing injuries and even deaths in the past. A man from Crockett County recently surrendered to police with...
Train accidents at railroad crossings killed 200 last year
Most people don't anticipate being involved in an accident with a train. While the percentage of persons in Tennessee and nationally who do encounter train accidents may be small, over 200 people were killed nationwide at railroad crossings last year. Of course,...